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Professional Indemnity

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At ENGLAND Insurance, we specialise in Professional Indemnity Insurance with a special emphasis on Medical Malpractice.


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      Professional Indemnity General Information

      At ENGLAND Insurance, we are specialists in providing Professional Indemnity Insurance cover. This is a policy that we have followed, acquired training in and gained valuable experience in, since our PI business launch in 2001. Professional Indemnity Insurance is aimed at covering yourself against financial compensation claims from your clients/patients following mistakes and negligence during the course of your profession.

      It is a fact that we are all human and as such as professionals although we endeavour to provide the perfect service unfortunately mishaps do happen. It is for this reason that a Professional Indemnity insurance policy is required.

      Do you remember the incident on Friday the 13th January 2012 by the island of Giglio – in calm seas this incident was uncalled for!

      Our Professional Indemnity policies are designed to provide protection for professional people who offer services and expertise, against their legal liability to compensate third parties who have sustained some form of injury, loss or damage. Professionals serviced under our range of products include:

      • Medical Practitioners;
      • Pharmacists and Pharmacies
      • Accountants and Auditors;
      • Lawyers and Notaries;
      • Architects and Civil Engineers;
      • Electrical and Mechanical Engineers;
      • Directors & Officers

      We also offer a comprehensive errors and omissions policy that caters for other service sectors such as beauticians, personal trainers, etc,


      Professional Indemnity Downloads