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Complaints procedure

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Unless agreed otherwise in writing, your insurance policies with MAPFRE Middlesea plc (the Company) shall be subject to Maltese Law and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Maltese courts.


In the event that we become insolvent and unable to meet our obligations under this contract, limited compensation may be available to you under the Protection and Compensation Fund Regulations, 2003. More information about the Protection and Compensation Fund is available from the following link: https://www.mfsa.mt/consumers/consumer-awareness-and-education/insurance/protection-policyholders/.


We are committed to providing good quality services. Thus we recognize that there maybe the possibility of you not being satisfied with the service(s) provided. Thus there is a complaints procedure.

For the sake of clarification, a complaint is broadly defined as being a written expression of dissatisfaction with the service(s) that we provided or actions taken by us that may require a response.

How to lodge a complaint

 Step 1 – Contacting the Company

Talk to a member of the Company’s personnel or the intermediary if the Policy was arranged through one. This can be done informally either directly or by telephone.

The best person to talk to would be the person who dealt with the matter you are concerned about as they will be in the best position to help you promptly and to put things right.

If they are not available or you would prefer to approach someone else then address the matter to the manager or senior person responsible. The Company will seek to resolve the problem immediately. If the Company cannot do this then the Company will take a record of the concern and arrange the best way and time for getting back to you. This will normally be within two working days.

 Step 2 – Taking the complaint further

If the complaint is not yet resolved, the next step is to put the complaint in writing, addressing it to the Complaints Officer, England Insurance Agency Ltd, 190 First Floor Marina Street, Pieta, PTA9041, setting out the details, explaining what you think went wrong and what you feel would put things right. If you do not want to write a letter, you can always ask a member of the Company to take notes of the complaint which you then be asked to sign. You will be provided with a copy for your own reference. This record will be passed promptly to the Complaints Officer to deal with.

Once the Complaints Officer receives a written complaint, s/he will arrange for it to be fully investigated. The complaint will be acknowledged in writing within five working days of receiving it and the letter will state when you can expect a full response. This should normally be within fifteen working days unless the matter is very complicated such as where other organisations need to be contacted. Where this is the case the Company will still let you know what action is being taken and will inform you when the Company expects to provide a full response.

Step 3 – Taking your complaint elsewhere

If you are still not satisfied with the Complaints Officer’s response, you can always seek advice elsewhere. You may contact: Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services, N/S off Regional Road, Msida, Malta, telephone: 8007 2366 or 21249245 or e-mail: complaint.info@asf.mt.


Intermediaries, including Insurance Agents, work on the basis of commission, which remuneration is settled directly by the Company, at no additional cost to you.

Tied Insurance Intermediary (TII) of MAPFRE Middlesea

TIIs act on behalf of MAPFRE Middlesea, and conduct their insurance distribution activities in

relation to general business and/or group life contracts of insurance, which they are authorised to distribute exclusively for products of MAPFRE Middlesea.

The only TII in which MAPFRE Middlesea has a significant (10% or more) financial interest is

Middlesea Assist Limited. None of the TIIs have a significant financial interest in MAPFRE Middlesea.

Tied Insurance Intermediary (TII) of MAPFRE Middlesea through an Insurance Agent

TIIs that act on behalf of MAPFRE Middlesea through an Insurance Agent conduct their insurance distribution activities in relation to general business and/or group life contracts of insurance, which they are authorised to distribute exclusively for products of MAPFRE Middlesea through the Insurance Agent.

MAPFRE Middlesea does not have a significant (10% or more) financial interest in any of its Insurance Agents. None of the Insurance Agents have a significant financial interest in MAPFRE Middlesea.

None of the TIIs of MAPFRE Middlesea through England Insurance Agency has a significant financial interest in the Agency and the Agency does not have a significant financial interest in any of the TIIs that act through it.

Insurance Broker

More information must be obtained from your Insurance Broker if business is concluded through this channel.


Employees of England Insurance Agency may receive commission from the Company, which remuneration is settled directly by England Insurance Agency, at no additional cost to you.


England Insurance Agency charges an administration/policy fee, which does not normally exceed €11.65 on all new and renewal business. Certain mid- terms adjustments to policies may incur a reduced administration fee of €5.00.

England Insurance Agency Ltd. is enrolled under the Insurance Distribution Act, Cap 487 to act as an Insurance Agent for MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (MMS). MMS is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) under the Insurance Business Act, Cap 403 of the Laws of Malta. Both entities are regulated by the MFSA